Band Bio

The Nix are a band, I guess? I haven't been paying attention. Three dudes joined together to do...something musical-ish(?) during the Mandatory Mustache Riots of Aught-Twelve. These dudes were all named Nick, or maybe not, and they probably had all heard about card games one or more times in their lives. Without champagne degrees their opportunities were limited, but they started a truck shipping company (I mean, like, a company that shipped trucks--by plane--to other companies that transported things by truck) that took off like butter from a hedgehog. During one particularly long flight from Wenham to Danvers (the plane got lost and had to land briefly in Lynn before continuing through Maine, Michigan, and also Detroit, before eventually landing in North Hamilton and taxiing from there to Salem) the guys discovered a haunting melody in the sounds of sharpening pencils, which was the basis for their first single, "A Song." After that some other events probably occurred and then this is today because calendars. Ladies and gentlemen: These Dudes!

1 comment:

  1. Weren't you the guys who came up with the expression "I zerbert you"?
